1. Ambient air temperature: -25°C to +40°C.
2. Daily average temperature: ≤+35°C (within 24 hours).
3. Altitude: <2000 meters.
4. Relative humidity: Within 24 hours, the daily average value ≤95%, with a daily average vapor pressure ≤2.2KPa; monthly average value ≤90%, with a monthly average vapor pressure ≤1.8KPa.
5. Environment: Not significantly affected by dust, smoke, corrosive or flammable gases, vapors, or salt contamination.
De specificatie
ITEM | EENHEID | XGN15-12(F)/630-20 | XGN15-12(F.R)/T125-31.5 |
Nominale spanning | KV | 12 | 12 |
Nominale stroom | A | 630 | 125 |
Nominale frequentie | Hz | 50 | 50 |
Nominale frequentiespanning | KV | 42/48 | 42/48 |
Nominale impulsweerstandsspanning | KV | 75/85 | 75/85 |
Nominale voornamelijk acnive belasting breekstroom | A | 630 | |
Nominale closed-loop distributiecircuitstroom | A | 630 | |
Nominale kortsluitstroom die (piek) maakt | KA | 50 | 80 |
Nominale piekweerstandsstroom | KA | 50 | 50 |
Nominale korteduurbestendigheid | KA | 20 | 20 |
Nominale duur van kortsluitingsschakelaar voor lastscheiding | S | 4 | 4 |
Geschatte SF6 gasdruk (20ºC maat) | MPa | 0.04 | 0.04 |
Lusweerstand | μΩ | <=200 | <=400 |
Mechanische lastscheidingsschakelaar/ aardingsschakelaar |
KA | 5000/3000 | 5000/3000 |
Nominale kortsluitstroom | KA | 20/50 | 31.5/50 |
Nominale overdrachtsstroom | A | 1750 | |
Beschermingsgraad | IP4X | IP4X |
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